Posts Tagged ‘Adventure-Creation’

Inside The Locked Room

I love it when I discover something that GMs should be using and aren’t, because it means that I get to analyze the reasons, and devise solutions to whatever is holding people back – and I learn things and develop tools for my own use in the process. By my count that’s win-win-win-win – and […]

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The Mists Of Fear Orrorsh Revisited 2

This entry is part 4 in the series Extracts from Mike's TORG Materials

Preamble Revisit: A long time ago, I rewrote some fairly fundamental parts of Orrorsh, the Horror Realm. While packing, I discovered where it had been filed away. This is not a complete standalone work; you will still need the official supplement to use it. Why, then, should I read it? The reasons are the same […]

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The Mists Of Fear Orrorsh Revisited 1

This entry is part 2 in the series Extracts from Mike's TORG Materials

Preamble: A long time ago, I rewrote some fairly fundamental parts of Orrorsh, the Horror Realm, for reasons explained in the text below. While packing, I discovered where it had been filed away (hidden?). This is not a complete standalone work; you will still need the official supplement. Why, then, should I read it? First, […]

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I Hear Music – Four Sonic Monsters (2/2)

So, here we are, back again for another serving of 2 more dangerous creatures based on sound. In fact, these are potentially even deadlier than last time’s offerings, the Humming Bee and Hissing Wyrm. First up, there’s the Whisper Willow, the perfect place to catch a quiet nap between adventures. Or not. And then there’s […]

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Three Strange Places Pt 3: Azuria

0. Introduction Even if the main subject matter doesn’t interest you, or doesn’t fit the genre of your campaign, there’s still content of value for you within the article – look for the sidebars, they contain useful tools, techniques, and fascinating side-issues, and apply to D&D / Pathfinder / Cthulhu / Pirate / Western games […]

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Three Strange Places Pt 2: Mydas

Okay, so here we go with #2 of three locations generated for my campaigns. This is definitely sci-fi in nature, and would especially suit Traveler campaigns, though it can be used more generally. As usual, a bit of a preamble, but I’m setting it off in a text box so that those with no interest […]

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Expectations and the Theater of the Mind

I’ve decided to wait another week before posting the final part of the Economics in RPGs series, because yesterday, I thought up a new article. I immediately set about outlining the article. I know from past experience that if the outline is not substantial enough, by the time I get to actually writing it, I […]

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Three Strange Places Pt 1: Cemetery Gates

This was originally going to be one monster post containing three locations that I have devised recently for different campaigns. I quickly realized that this was too ambitious, so this will be a trilogy of articles, one every 2 weeks. This is an idea that hints at deeper connections in the game world, metaphysical relationships […]

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Economics In RPGs 8: The Digital Age Ch 4

This entry is part 14 in the series Economics In RPGs

As usual, I’m going to get right down to business. While I’ll try to have this post function as a standalone, You’ll get a lot more out of it if you have already read Chapter 8.1, Chapter 8.2, and Chapter 8.3 before continuing. The Digital Age, Fifth Period 2010s-2020: The decade of fallout The most […]

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How Long Is A Generation?

Last week, I promised readers something completely different from the Economics in RPGs series, and even though this is a different article to the one I had in mind at the time, I still think it delivers – in classic Campaign Mastery style :) While working on the Adventurer’s Club campaign this week (as I […]

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Economics In RPGs 8: The Digital Age Ch 2

This entry is part 12 in the series Economics In RPGs

As usual in this series, I’ve decided to just push on from where we left off, without the preambles and without a synopsis. You should read Chapter 8.1 before starting this continuation of the article to get the most out of it. But you can dive right in if you want to – at your […]

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Economics In RPGs 8: The Digital Age Ch 1

This entry is part 11 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. In this case, though, that “previous part” is actually the […]

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