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Go To the Genre Overviews page. Topics include Pulp, Sci-Fi, Historical Accuracy in FRP, and more. Go To the Campaign Creation page. Topics include Concepts, Backgrounds, Theology, Magic, and more. Go To the Campaign Plotting page. Topics include Plot Sequencing, Subplots, Problem-Solving, and more. Go To the Rules & Mechanics page. Topics include. Rules Problems, Importing Rules, & more. See also Metagame.
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Go To the Places page. Topics include Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Real Locations, Climate, Choosing Locations, and more. Go To the Campaigns page. Topics include Prep Scheduling, Fantasy Campaign Ideas, and more. Go To the Adventures page. Topics include Locations, Maps, Minis, Encounters, Ad-hoc Adventures, and more. Go To the GMing page. Topics include Feedback, Conventions, Mistakes, Problem-Solving, GM Improv, and more.
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This is the Assassin’s Amulet blogdex page.

Assassin’s Amulet is the only game supplement that Johnn and I co-authored (I had some input into The Empty Chair but nine-tenths of that was Johnn, so it’s only fair that he gets the cover credit). And we pushed hard to include everything either of us could possibly want in a game supplement about a specific character class. By rights, it should be a section of the “Publishing” category, but it was so important to Johnn and I at the time, consumed so much of our attention for so long, and I am so proud of the resulting product and its add-ons and bonuses, that I simply had to list it independantly.

This page includes articles on:

  1. Announcements,
  2. Excerpts, and
  3. Legacy Items

General Articles about Assassin’s Amulet
  • Help Me Take Your GMing To The Next Level – Johnn asks our readers for input on what his next eBook should be. There are some great ideas for me for blog posts here. This post also contained the first hint that Assassin’s Amulet was coming.
  • Johnn’s 2010 Year in Review – Johnn goes over the goals that he set at the end of 2009 to see how well he did. More hints that Assassin’s Amulet was coming, but it still wasn’t announced by name.
  • Dark Shadows In The Night: Lessons from the writing of Assassin’s Amulet – This article steps behind the scenes to offer 18 lessons that we learned in the course of writing Assassin’s Amulet. These not only offer insight to our readership on why the content of the E-book is what it is, but a lot of them apply in general to campaign creation and administration.
  • The Creation Of A Deity: The Origins Of Cyrene – Another behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Assassin’s Amulet, this post contains my recollection of the creative process that led to the rather unique Deity Of Death that is central to the content of the e-book. Along the way, I discuss the treatment of “deities” in my various campaigns – Fumanor, Zenith-3, The Rings Of Time, Shards of Divinity, and The Adventurer’s Club (and Pulp in general). It also serves as a teaser for the next article, Cyrene Revealed: an excerpt from Assassin’s Amulet and places it into some sort of context.
Assassin’s Amulet Announcements & Cover

Probably our biggest misstep in announcing Assassin’s Amulet was using the cover competition to announce the forthcoming product a month before release; it would have been the perfect kick-off if it had been right before it went on sale. These days, we would probably fund development using Kickstarter – just for the extra publicity a strong campaign generates. Maybe making entry into the cover contest a bonus for the $1 tier… That alone would probably have funded production of a couple more of the extras!

  • Announcing Assassin’s Amulet …and a contest! – This post describes the content of our then-forthcoming Assassin’s Amulet and runs a contest to choose the cover. I was extremely proud of the number of entries that it attracted. There’s nothing here to benefit our readers (other than by persuading them to buy a copy of the book) – which is a rarity for Campaign Mastery.
  • We have a winner! – The Assassin’s Amulet Cover Contest – An out-of-continuity post to announce the winner of the contest to choose the cover for Assassin’s Amulet.
Assassin’s Amulet Excerpts

See also Legacy Items, below.

Most of the publicity for Assassin’s Amulet came from reviews and from excerpts that we published both here and at Roleplaying Tips.

Assassin’s Amulet Legacy Items

Legacy Items are a new form of magic item devised for Assassin’s Amulet that grow in power and effect as the character who possesses them gains levels. They are also a plot device in and of themselves, giving a character a campaign-wide plot arc in addition to any already incorporated into the plot. While the main book contains everything you need to add one or more of these items to your campaign, the plan was always to produce a number of more user-friendly versions as seperate game supplements. One extra that I was keen on producing was a Player’s Guide that kept secret things that should only be known by the GM.