Archive for the ‘Vehicles’ Category

Trade In Fantasy Ch. 4: Modes Of Transport, Pt 2

This entry is part 10 in the series Trade In Fantasy

Rivers provide a natural alternative to roads and overland travel, if the river happens to go where you want it to. That’s more likely than it might initially seem, because rivers provide natural resources and defenses that make them natural locations for settlements, with transportation of cargo a bonus on top of those advantages. Table […]

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Trade In Fantasy Ch. 4: Modes Of Transport, Pt 1

This entry is part 9 in the series Trade In Fantasy

The 4th chapter of the Trade In Fantasy series looks at Modes Of Transport and trade route planning (9th post in the series). Table Of Contents: In today’s post: Chapter 4: Modes Of Transport 4.0 A Word about Routes 4.0.1 Baseline Model 4.0.2 Relative Sizes 4.0.3 Competitors 4.0.4 Terrain I 4.0.5 Terrain II 4.0.6 Multi-paths […]

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Trade In Fantasy Ch. 3: Routine Personnel, Pt 3

This entry is part 7 in the series Trade In Fantasy

The 3rd of 4 posts looking at everyday personnel in Trade focuses on the Labor Unit and how to use it to make GMing a business easier. Today’s post starts with a couple of short sections that were inadvertently left out of last week’s examination of carts. They had been written, but not where they […]

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Trade In Fantasy Ch. 3: Routine Personnel Pt 2

This entry is part 6 in the series Trade In Fantasy

The 2nd of likely four posts looking at everyday personnel in Trade. In this part, Beasts of Burden, Provisions, Carts, and Wagons. For anyone wondering at the cause of the delay, just look at the number of tables that I’ve ended up using in this post – then remember that each of them has to […]

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Trade In Fantasy Ch. 1: Ownership

This entry is part 2 in the series Trade In Fantasy

Certain fundamental questions need to be answered about any business operation that the PCs get involved with, either as employees or owners before we can get into game mechanics for the actual operation of an in-game business. Credit where it’s due: The series title graphic combines three images: The Clipper Ship Image is by Brigitte […]

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The Mundane Application Of Genre Part 2

In Part 1, I shared a simple technique for creating immersion within the specific genre of a campaign, and applied it to Fantasy campaigns. This time, Science Fiction! Recapping The Process 0. Make a list of possible Mundane Activities (optional, but it helps). 1. Pick A Mundane Activity. 2. If it’s not something the PCs […]

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The Mundane Application Of Genre Part 1

It goes without saying that we want players to sense the distinctive ‘aura’ of a campaign’s genre, but all sorts of things get in the way of that, so it only happens occasionally and fleetingly. But there’s an easy solution, and it works in literary applications as well! When I broke this article down into […]

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Messin’ with the Anti-G

Today’s article is sci-fi in orientation but fantasy GMs should stick around, there’s stuff for you too before I’m done. In a similar way, this is all about “world” design, but the techniques can be applied elsewhere, for example, adventure creation. So Buckle Up, we’re about to take a wild ride together. Theory / Concept […]

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Asset Valuation Worksheet 2.0

This entry is part 1 in the series The Value Of Material Things

How much would this be worth if it were discovered in the American backwoods today? How much more if it had been found in the early 1700s, when no-one really knew the ancient Egyptian “style”?Image by Artie_Navarre from Pixabay                     Two weeks ago, in the then-final […]

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Economics In RPGs 9: In-Game Economics

This entry is part 16 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. In this case, though, that “previous part” is actually the […]

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Economics In RPGs 6c: Pre-Digital Tech Age Ch 3

This entry is part 9 in the series Economics In RPGs

I’ve clearly decided to push on and get this trilogy of posts out of the way before interrupting the series for another break. As usual, because this is a direct continuation of what’s already been posted, I’m going to skip the usual preamble, so make sure that you have read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 […]

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Economics In RPGs 4: The Age Of Steam

This entry is part 4 in the series Economics In RPGs

Welcome & General Introduction With each passing entry in this series, we get to ground that is more familiar to all of us – either part of, or directly related to, our everyday lives, or part of the collective zeitgeist concerning the forces that influence those lives. This makes analysis easier (I know more of […]

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