Archive for the ‘World Design’ Category

The Mundane Application Of Genre Part 3

In Part 1, I shared a simple technique for creating immersion within the specific genre of a campaign, and applied it to Fantasy campaigns. Part 2 took a solid look at Science Fiction campaigns (and was supposed to also include everything I cover this time around. These genres were not chosen capriciously; between the four […]

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The Mundane Application Of Genre Part 2

In Part 1, I shared a simple technique for creating immersion within the specific genre of a campaign, and applied it to Fantasy campaigns. This time, Science Fiction! Recapping The Process 0. Make a list of possible Mundane Activities (optional, but it helps). 1. Pick A Mundane Activity. 2. If it’s not something the PCs […]

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Messin’ with the Anti-G

Today’s article is sci-fi in orientation but fantasy GMs should stick around, there’s stuff for you too before I’m done. In a similar way, this is all about “world” design, but the techniques can be applied elsewhere, for example, adventure creation. So Buckle Up, we’re about to take a wild ride together. Theory / Concept […]

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Order In The Sandbox

Today, I get to focus on one of my favorite subjects, campaign structure! There are lots of choices out there, but today I’m going to focus on one that I don’t use all that often, the improv sandbox. This article was prompted by something I saw on the screenwriter’s blog that I linked to an […]

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Fuzzy Plastic Memories III – Application

Introduction This wasn’t intended to be a separate post at all; it is the second half of the response to a guest article published back in March, before the unwanted disruption of my life caused by relocating to a new apartment (I’m still unpacking!) Rather than repeat a lot of material from Part II, I […]

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AI Miseducation and Rehabilitation

Although I have outlined this post in the usual manner, something about the structure doesn’t feel quite right, as though at some point, my narrative is going to zig when my plan calls for it to zag. If there appears to be the occasional discontinuity in the discussion, that’s what’s caused it. No AI.-generated content […]

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The Mists Of Fear Orrorsh Revisited 2

This entry is part 4 in the series Extracts from Mike's TORG Materials

Preamble Revisit: A long time ago, I rewrote some fairly fundamental parts of Orrorsh, the Horror Realm. While packing, I discovered where it had been filed away. This is not a complete standalone work; you will still need the official supplement to use it. Why, then, should I read it? The reasons are the same […]

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An Old Aysle To Run Down 2

This entry is part 3 in the series Extracts from Mike's TORG Materials

Preliminaries / Introduction: Why you should read this article I h\ave found a whole bunch of material from my old TORG campaign, which I intend to use through 2024 as the foundation of various articles. I’m doing this for a number of reasons, which collectively spell out why it’s worth your time to read them […]

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The Mists Of Fear Orrorsh Revisited 1

This entry is part 2 in the series Extracts from Mike's TORG Materials

Preamble: A long time ago, I rewrote some fairly fundamental parts of Orrorsh, the Horror Realm, for reasons explained in the text below. While packing, I discovered where it had been filed away (hidden?). This is not a complete standalone work; you will still need the official supplement. Why, then, should I read it? First, […]

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An Old Aysle To Run Down 1

This entry is part 1 in the series Extracts from Mike's TORG Materials

Preliminaries / Introduction: Why you should read this article One of the good aspects of packing everything is that you discover where you had hidden away things that have been archived for long enough that those hiding places had been forgotten. So it is that I h\ave found a whole bunch of material from my […]

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Three Strange Places Pt 3: Azuria

0. Introduction Even if the main subject matter doesn’t interest you, or doesn’t fit the genre of your campaign, there’s still content of value for you within the article – look for the sidebars, they contain useful tools, techniques, and fascinating side-issues, and apply to D&D / Pathfinder / Cthulhu / Pirate / Western games […]

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The Value Of Material Things II

This entry is part 2 in the series The Value Of Material Things

It’s been a long time since I’ve just had a ramble on about assorted semi-related matters but that’s what’s in store today. I’ll move from topic to topic with what may at times seem gay abandon, but it will all come together in the end. This is all stuff that’s derived from, or been inspired […]

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