Posts Tagged ‘Western-Games’

Economics In RPGs 9: In-Game Economics

This entry is part 16 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. In this case, though, that “previous part” is actually the […]

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Epic Kickstarters Deserve Epic Responses

I love being able to bring something new to the attention of others. So much so that I’m diverging from the intended schedule (which called for the next part of the series on Economics on RPGs) to bring news of something exciting to readers. The subject of today’s article has so many new elements to […]

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Economics In RPGs 3: Pre-Industrial Eras

This entry is part 3 in the series Economics In RPGs

Welcome & General Introduction Readers may have noticed that the previous part of the series promised the Renaissance and then barely mentioned the subject. That happened because, at least at first, there wasn’t a lot of economic difference, and what trends later started to manifest themselves were essentially the same trends that drove industrialization in […]

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