Economics In RPGs 1: The Early Medieval

This entry is part 1 in the series Economics In RPGs

I’ve been working on this article for several weeks now, on and off, and have come to the conclusion that it will be beneficial to the subject matter to break it into a series of related posts, dividing one concept from another. It started out as an intention to simply explain “inflation” to RPG GMs […]

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Economics In RPGs 2: The Later Medieval

This entry is part 2 in the series Economics In RPGs

Welcome & General Introduction Following a successful Dr Who adventure in which the player started to see how a number of plot threads intersected, my head is currently full of the strange environment in which the next adventure is to occur. I mean, this is the homeworld of his current companion – a psionic sentient […]

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Economics In RPGs 3: Pre-Industrial Eras

This entry is part 3 in the series Economics In RPGs

Welcome & General Introduction Readers may have noticed that the previous part of the series promised the Renaissance and then barely mentioned the subject. That happened because, at least at first, there wasn’t a lot of economic difference, and what trends later started to manifest themselves were essentially the same trends that drove industrialization in […]

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Economics In RPGs 4: The Age Of Steam

This entry is part 4 in the series Economics In RPGs

Welcome & General Introduction With each passing entry in this series, we get to ground that is more familiar to all of us – either part of, or directly related to, our everyday lives, or part of the collective zeitgeist concerning the forces that influence those lives. This makes analysis easier (I know more of […]

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Economics In RPGs 5a: Electric Age Ch. 1

This entry is part 5 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. Welcome & General Introduction I’ve said it before: With each […]

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Economics In RPGs 5b: Electric Age Ch. 2

This entry is part 6 in the series Economics In RPGs

Because this is literally the second half of the article I posted last week, I’ll forego all the usual introductory bits and pieces and dive straight in from where I left off. Industrial Economics III: War & Depression Many of the economic influences that defined the era came together in the First World War, and […]

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Economics In RPGs 6a: Pre-Digital Tech Age Ch 1

This entry is part 7 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. Welcome & General Introduction With each part of the series, […]

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Economics In RPGs 6b: Pre-Digital Tech Age Ch 2

This entry is part 8 in the series Economics In RPGs

This is literally the second part of the article I posted last week, so I’ll forego all the usual preamble bits and pieces, just as I did the last time this happened, diving straight in from where I left off – well, almost. Writing like this sometimes has strange confluences and coincidences, and in this […]

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Economics In RPGs 6c: Pre-Digital Tech Age Ch 3

This entry is part 9 in the series Economics In RPGs

I’ve clearly decided to push on and get this trilogy of posts out of the way before interrupting the series for another break. As usual, because this is a direct continuation of what’s already been posted, I’m going to skip the usual preamble, so make sure that you have read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 […]

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Economics In RPGs 7: Economic Realities

This entry is part 10 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. Welcome & General Introduction So, here we are – the […]

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Economics In RPGs 8: The Digital Age Ch 1

This entry is part 11 in the series Economics In RPGs

A word of advice: Each part of the series builds heavily on the content from the previous one. While you may be able to get relevant information without doing so, to get the most of out of each, you should have read the preceding article. In this case, though, that “previous part” is actually the […]

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Economics In RPGs 8: The Digital Age Ch 2

This entry is part 12 in the series Economics In RPGs

As usual in this series, I’ve decided to just push on from where we left off, without the preambles and without a synopsis. You should read Chapter 8.1 before starting this continuation of the article to get the most out of it. But you can dive right in if you want to – at your […]

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