The Flói Af Loft & The Ryk Bolti

This entry is part 1 in the series The Flói Af Loft & The Ryk Bolti

The following is based on material prepared for My ‘Seeds Of Empire’ campaign in mid-2006. It has been rewritten to form a standalone setting for an encounter with an original creature to be found there (amongst others), as part of the February blog carnival. A day or so late, but better late than never… It […]

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The Flói Af Loft & Ryk Bolti (continued)

This entry is part 2 in the series The Flói Af Loft & The Ryk Bolti

Fólk Afsteinn (The People Of Stone) These are a race of people capable of living in this environment not through physical adaption so much as through intelligent manipulation of their environment. I chose a blending of Dwarf and Halfling and called them Dwarvlings, because I wanted them to make a reasonable basis for PCs, but […]

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The Flói Af Loft & Ryk Bolti (conclusion)

This entry is part 3 in the series The Flói Af Loft & The Ryk Bolti

Within The Flói Af Loft Finally, the characters have reached the floor of the great chasm, and started looking around. It is even colder than expected, no more than 10°C, and there is perpetual dust and ash in the air. The sand dunes underfoot are treacherous; seemingly-solid surfaces offer no more support than smoke. As […]

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