Archive for the ‘Site Admin’ Category

Fighting The Spam War

This is an extra, out-of-normal-time blog post to explain the new anti-spam policies that I’ve been forced to implement here at Campaign Mastery. The real price of Spam Spam is an unfortunate reality. It will never go away. Most of the time, Spam is like an itch that has to be scratched. But there are […]

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The Flunkie Equation – quick and easy Hors d’Combat

A few weeks ago, I described my processes for creating Partial NPCs, a methodology that determined how much NPC definition was needed for that NPCs role in an adventure, in Creating Partial NPCs To Speed Game Prep. This was described as essential know-how for the article that I was originally going to write and publish […]

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The Best: 2008-9

This entry is part 1 in the series The Best

A list of the hand-picked best posts from Campaign Mastery, 2008-2009

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