The Best: 2008-9
Updating the list of the “best posts” at Campaign Mastery has been on my to-do list for years. I’ve decided to finally bite the bullet and get it done, even if it means doing it as posts-in-progress here at the site. I’ve learned from past exercises not to try and do too much in any single post, so I’ve broken it up into five, and I’ll be doing one a month or so for the next five or six months. To look at, these posts might seem extremely empty. That’s because 99% of the job is throwing things away that didn’t make the cut. So, without further ado:
The Best Of 2008-2009
2008-2009 contained Campaign Mastery’s baby steps. Johnn and I were feeling our way towards a unique style and format for the site, learning as we went. We managed more than 100 posts in this period of time, so there were plenty to choose from. In fact, there were so many great articles that I found I couldn’t pick between these 17 entries.
In order of publication:
- A Quality Of Spirit – Big Questions in RPGs
- Guilds, Organisations, and other Bad Company
- Distilled Cultural Essence [Series]
- Ask The GMs: Networks Of NPCs
- Ask The GMs: Weather, Not Climate
- Ask The GMs: Pacing Your Campaign
- Lore Enforcement: The Legal System in an RPG
- ‘There Is A Hole In Your Mind…’: Solving Mental Block
- Shadow Levels: A way to roleplay the acquisition of Prestige Classes in D&D 3.x
- Two related articles in combination – Ask The GMs: An Epic Confusion, or how to stage a blockbuster finish, and A Grand Conclusion: Thinking about a big finish
- Broadening Magical Horizons: Some Feats from Fumanor and Shards Of Divinity
- The Nimble Mind: Making Skills Matter in RPGs
- Ask The GMs: Going Beyond The Rules
- Ask The GMs: “Let’s Split Up.” – “Good Idea, we can do more damage that way!”
- Legendary Achievements: Colouring Your Campaign with Anecdote and Legend
- The Perils Of Prophecy: Avoiding the Plot Locomotive
- Revealing the Exotic
In the next part: The best of 2010
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