Ask The GMs: Many Hands, Mild Insanity: Large Groups Revisited
Filed in Metagaming & Metagame Theory, Mystery & Detective Games, DnDNext, Opinion, Cyberpunk, Pirate/Swashbuckling Games, Spy & Secret Agent Games, Steampunk, D&D / Pathfinder, D&D 3.x, D&D 4e, Game Mastering, Mike, Fantasy Games, Horror Games, Pulp Games, Superhero Games, SciFi & Space Opera Games, Western Games, PCs, Planning & Preparation, Campaign Creation, Ask the GMs, House-Rules on Jun.28, 2016
As I explained the last time I looked at large groups, I have only limited experience in the area, so this was one topic for which I definitely wanted to source a broader opinion base. The question at hand: If you are “fortunate” enough to have a large group of players, which games could you […]
Tags: Top Secret, GURPS, Traveller, Pathfinder, Opinion, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure-Creation, Call Of Cthulhu, D&D 5e, Lord Of The Rings RPG, Conan, Tunnels & Trolls, 7th Sea, Star Trek RPG, Paranoia, Icons RPG, Villains & Vigilantes, Marvel Superheros RPG, 3.x, 4e, Campaigns, DM-Advice, Hero-System, Hindsight, House-Rules, PCs, Plausibility, Players, D&D