We have a winner! – The Assassin’s Amulet Cover Contest
Our Biggest Contest Ever?
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who participated. Unless I am misremembering, this is our biggest contest ever with 102 entries – if not, it’s certainly right up there.
The Results
After tabulating all the votes, including the preferances of Johnn and myself, Cover #6 has won the day, but it was tight going. It would repeatedly pull out a lead only to see #5 skulls, claw its way back to somewhere close to even terms; but ultimately #6 (Streets) was in the lead throughout.
Ultimately, it recieved a total of 49 votes. Skulls, the runner up, received 31; Orb (which Johnn and I ranked didn’t expect to rate at all) managed a respectable, but distant 14 votes; Dagger got 7, Blue 5, and Curtains – alas! only 1.
Things become more interesting when those who nominated a second choice are counted. Streets was – literally – streets ahead in this area, polling a massive 23 votes, while skulls received 7, orb 3, Dagger 2, Curtains 1 – and this time it was Blue that brought up the rear managing not a single vote.
A significant number of people thought that Streets worked better as the back cover than the front (something I personally agree with), and I think that is reflected in those numbers. We always intended to use the second most popular image on the back cover, and that will work, too.
And The Winner Is…. (drumroll please!)
The Inventor!
Congratulations! As soon as AA is ready to be served up with the public, we’ll make arrangements for you to download your free copy.
Following the comments and feedback recieved in the course of the contest, what is presented below is a slightly tweaked version of the winning cover. This is how it will appear when Assassin’s Amulet goes on sale in a few all-too-short (from our point of view) weeks!
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September 23rd, 2011 at 3:58 pm
The battle was close but you prevailed. :) Congratulations AA!
September 25th, 2011 at 12:40 pm
[…] out what cover design is going to grace the cover of this must-have GMing […]