50 Barbarian Hooks

This entry is part 1 in the series Character Hooks

I received an advance copy of the Player’s Handbook 2 and checked out the shiny new barbarian class. Yowsa. Dungeon masters watch out, this guy is mean. As a skirmisher, he’s all about movement and doing massive damage periodically during combat. “Class Traits: Striker. You use powerful two-handed weapons to deal serious damage to your […]

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63 Wizard Hooks

This entry is part 2 in the series Character Hooks

The following ideas could be used for player characters stuck on a PC background and purpose. Game masters could also use them for interesting NPC wizard hooks. If you have any ideas for more hooks, just comment below, maybe we’ll get to 100. Master’s experiment goes wrong, transforming the PC and cursing the master. PC […]

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50 Paladin Hooks

This entry is part 3 in the series Character Hooks

By D.L. Campbell One of the first posts I ever read at Campaign Mastery was the amazing 50 Barbarian Hooks. I instantly thought, ‘I hope there will be more of those!’ followed by ‘I wanna try that!’ Another list has joined the party (though I’m still greedy for more – hint, hint everybody) and I […]

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54 Sorcerer Hooks

This entry is part 4 in the series Character Hooks

A guest post by Bobby.Catdragon An orphan, the character only knows his powers came from somewhere. However, coincidental circumstances seem to point to something demonic or diabolical. Should the character find out why? And what happens when he does discover the truth? One day the character’s father disappears. The next day the character’s powers manifest […]

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25 Cleric Character Hooks

This entry is part 5 in the series Character Hooks

Continuing the hooks series, today we have a bunch of priestly ones for your holy edification. Many came out as missions rather than internal character struggles or personality quirks. More actionable than character-revealing this time around. Use these for PCs or NPCS. Sensing his wanderlust and noting his independent manner, the church has asked him […]

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