Retcon Rightly
How to undo major events in your campaign without destroying it.
The worst case scenario in my games has to be erasing gameplay, rewinding and replaying that part of the game again. I’ve only done that several times and it’s always felt horrible. A logic flaw pops up, or an inconsistency conflicts with what has been said or gone on before, or I just get facts wrong.
These problems need fixing. But nowadays, I use the techniques outlined below instead, which are listed in order of preference, instead of rewinding the game and erasing things.
Gameplay trumps rules
A house rule that serves me well is that whatever happens in the game is part of the permanent record, even if we later discover that rules were broken or overlooked. Gameplay trumps rules.
It’s easy to explain all but the most grievous of rules errors in-game. People in real life make mistakes every day, even the experts. We forget things, lose our balance, blunder even simple actions, get distracted, or make weird decisions.
Retcon within same combat round
Another great house rule allows PCs and foes to replay or fix errors as long as we’re in the same combat round they were made.
Combat rounds in many game systems are supposed to be simultaneous anyway, even if initiative or turn order makes things play out linearly. Allowing missed extra damage or use of a forgotten power within the same round minimizes logic errors. It also gives us all a bit of a comfort zone, so we’re willing to take faster turns, else we’d be checking and double-checking everything each time before letting the next player go.
A player who realizes they’ve missed something just interrupts and we pause and complete their issue. This minimizes errors and game issues, and my group doesn’t mind being interrupted because they know it might impact their decisions.
I know many GMs run “you say it, you do it” and no-take-backs type of combats. If this isn’t working well for you, consider allowing retcons as long as everything that changes takes place in the same combat round.
Change your own plans, plots, backstories
Before I expose any game issues to players, I’ll first try to change my own plans so events or errors make sense.
For example, if I forget a clue that was supposed to be in a previous encounter, rather than stopping the game and rewinding, or making a big deal about information the PCs would have had for awhile now, I’ll offer the clue instead at the next earliest opportunity and pretend nothing is amiss.
I find it’s much easier changing my plans than making my group stop, rewind and reprocess.
Just as reporters slant stories to lead readers one way or the other, you can slant player and character perceptions to minimize game issues that crop up.
It’s easy slipping into the mindset of hard facts and truths. In real life, though, just about everything is fuzzy, and multiple points of view, beliefs and opinions are possible. When GMing, even if the PCs have experienced an event, you are free to consider things just through the narrow lens of PC perceptions and not consider gameplay as hard facts and truth.
Pretend you are a newspaper writer looking for the best angle on a story. Look at multiple points of views and interpretations. See if you can reframe things without causing issues with what you’ve told players.
For example, more than once I have forgotten an NPC’s spells during an encounter. After encounters I’ll realize my omission and what the NPC should have done. Next time the PCs meet the NPC, I’ll remember the spells or magic item or special abilities forgotten before. My players will be surprised and ask what the heck is going on. I’ll bluff confidently and say their PCs indeed perceive things accurately. But behind the scenes I’ll change my notes, saying the PC was overconfident last time, or had already cast his spells in a previous encounter, or that he wanted to keep his abilities secret. No harm, no foul, and actually a potentially interesting development.
Add new game elements – NPCs, locations, history
Still in line with my preference to change things on my end rather than breaking immersion and changing things in past gameplay, I’ll use all the GM tools at my disposal to explain away or justify game problems.
I’ll change NPCs or create new ones, change plots, modify history, change locations, twist encounters, and do anything possible to fix errors without bothering the PCs. As long as game consistency and logic, character perceptions, and what I’ve told players remains intact, I’m happy to make changes.
In rare cases, I’ll change established passive game elements to help fix problems. For example, I’ll change names or histories to solve logic errors and bring past roleplay into alignment with the facts. I’ll discuss this with the group to check for objections and get feedback, and then as a group we approve the changes. We’ll only do this if the changes would not have resulted in different character actions, and therefore different potential outcomes.
Group discussion
As a last resort, I’ll call a special group discussion to help fix bad campaign errors. I’ll provide all the information I’m able to reveal up front, and then supply two or three possible choices on how we should deal with the problem.
Then I’ll let the group talk things out, offer new suggestions, and vote on the final remedy.
Last ditch options I might consider are:
- It’s all a dream or vision. The PCs wake up just before the error was made and we replay.
- Divine intervention.
- Alternate reality or dimension. The players somehow got into a parallel universe or timeline, and return to their own reality just before the error was made.
- Magic. It can explain anything.
Bleh. I like none of these options, but they can all work. The important thing is talking with your group. Be open and honest about your error, accept all feedback. The worst thing you can do with a major problem you cannot fix yourself is stonewall your group, pretend nothing is wrong, or do something outlandish like the dream solution, without explanation.
Your players will understand, and appreciate your honesty. Gameplay might be awkward for a bit, but before long it will resume and this little blip will disappear into campaign memory.
Before I go this route though, I’ll try all the other methods above to fix things with a minimum amount of fuss, and minimal exposure to players so they can continue to enjoy the game unaware you are wringing your hands, bluffing and thinking like a madman for believable remedies.
Oh, one last tip. If possible, when you discover a major campaign or gameplay issue, end the session to give you a bit of time to consider your options. Then hop online to your favourite gaming forums and post the details of your dilemma to see if the community can offer you some clever ideas and solutions. Gamers love helping gamers.
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March 29th, 2010 at 7:07 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Leonardo Gedraite, Shane Knysh. Shane Knysh said: RT @JohnnFour: Campaign Mastery – Retcon Rightly #rpg […]
March 30th, 2010 at 5:30 am
Another option I’ve used once or twice is the fairy trickster or Mr. Mxyzptlk solution. That is, introduce a new recurring enemy that has significant illusion or reality-warping powers. The noted inconsistency is actually a clue to the PCs that this enemy is involved.
Of course, like any of the other solutions, this one needs to be used sparingly. But, it has the advantages of a)not requiring as much player buy-in to retcon, and b)turning the retcon into a major plot point.
.-= Lugh´s last blog ..How fragile we are =-.
March 30th, 2010 at 6:18 am
Generally …
Cover-up for minor mistakes.
Man-up and admit it when the big ones happen.
From personal experience, trying to retcon something major in the middle of play never goes well, even with a deus ex machina. Better to work things out later.
One trick to consider is introducing “No-Prizes” to the game (refer Marvel Comics). Basically, if a Player can give a plausible (and GM-acceptable) explanation for something recognized as an in-game glitch / inconsistency, they get a few extra XPs. Worth thinking about, IMO.
March 30th, 2010 at 7:27 pm
@Lugh – that’s a great suggestion!
@Ian – also a great suggestion about offering a reward for player-inspired fixed. Thanks.
March 31st, 2010 at 5:45 am
“Gameplay trumps rules.” Yes! I consider this to be the number one error made by beginner DMs. Getting theselves into a hole/paradox and not being able to summon the courage to say “Screw it. It’s broken, let’s jump out of the box to fix it.” Often by trying to improvise “quick fixes” that they hope the players won’t notice… and not having the time/experience to spot that their solutions have consequences that are even *worse*… This sometimes leads to a “death spiral” that(somewhere around the fourth iteration) completely blows thet DMs credibility out of the water when the Players, struggling to understand and get clear coherent explanations from the DM throx up their hand in disgust.
Note *this* sequence.
Error happens…
perceive error….
admit error…
propose a solution (or path thereto)…
recruit players to help fix error….
A minor loss of face or gaming atmosphere is accepted to prevent major problems later.
Better, yes?
This is called forethought, wisdom, Good GMing or just “the bitter fruit of experience”.
Now add “Draw a lesson from the incident to prevent it from happening again”. Ohhh…. you just gained a level of GM skills…. :)
April 3rd, 2010 at 3:12 pm
[…] Retcon Rightly Going back and changing past events is usually the arena of authors rewriting and revising their novels and short stories. However, it can be done in a game, but it has to be done the right way. Go see what Johnn has to say on the matter. […]
April 9th, 2010 at 12:24 pm
Ah… those awkward moments when a player says something like:
“Hang on a minute, shouldn’t the psyonic shielding mean that the assassin couldn’t have teleported into the Peace Garden in the first place?”
We’ve all been there at one time or another I’m sure (if you haven’t, maybe it’s your turn next). For me, I’m a big fan of “Gameplay trumps rules” – In fact, I’ll use that card even when I haven’t made a mistake.
When that won’t cut it “Change your own plans” usually works well – although sometimes it does take some significant changes it’s usually worth the effort. (Hang on, just changing the physics of the Universe. Don’t mind me…) The trick, of course is not to introduce more problems with your fix! Don’t try to patch it up on the fly if you’re not sure – take a break – think it through.
I have found that often it is possible to recruit the players to unwittingly help you find a solution by simply following up thier initial query with a casual:
“But the assassin must have teleported in there… you saw her… right?”
Then sit back while the players discuss how it might have been done or what they might have missed. Halo-Projectors? Psyonic shield disruption? Twin sisters? I’m often amazed at how inventive players can be….
.-= -Kaine-´s last blog ..Volatile Memory =-.
April 12th, 2010 at 7:53 am
@-Kaine- :While I also use the “let the players solve it for you” technique from time to time, my preferred solution comes in five steps: (1) “It’s a mystery you don’t have time to solve right now,” (the stall); (2) between sessions, come up with a way for someone to get over / under / through / around whatever the problem or objection was; (3) look at what else someone with those capabilities might have done in the past (and, if necessary, why they don’t appear to have done so); (4) look at what else someone with those capabilities might be able to do in the future; and (5) craft a scenario or two (or more, if necessary) in which the initial incongruity becomes the first clue leading to exposure and confrontation with the person or persons responsible. In other words, I let the PCs return the campaign status to what it had appeared to be from the start, undoing complications of their own devising (at a metagame level)!
June 17th, 2010 at 2:07 pm
@Kaine, I’ve often changed the motives of NPC’s, or the “why it happened” after listening to the players discuss what they *think* is going on! (On many occasions their ideas are much better than mine. :lol:) It also gives the players a bit of an ego boost when they can exclaim: “Hey! I was right!” ;-)
Take care,
October 16th, 2010 at 3:41 am
Good read. Thank you!