2011 Goals

How high do you dream?

Last post I covered 2010 and how I fared against my plans and intentions. This week, I lay out my goals for 2011.

Gamer Lifestyle has a good pair of posts of setting goals for 2011 you might want to check out.

Goal #1: Hit every scheduled Campaign Mastery post

My blogging schedule will probably change in early 2011, but no matter what it is I will hit every deadline. Last year I missed two out of 52 deadlines. This year I aim for zero.

Goal #2: Maintain current series, start new series

More important to you, what will I be writing for this blog? There are several ongoing series I would like to continue. Feedback on them is welcome.

Ongoing series

  • Ask the GMs – we have a backlog building up due to some project work and Mike’s recent move to a new home. We hope to start catching up on these in early March.
  • Combat Hazards – this treacherous series resumes with more tips on how to entrap PCs and make encounters better with dangerous terrain and environments.
  • Hooks – More character and personality hooks for characters and villains.
  • Generators – How have you liked the Q-Workshop generators series? Are you finding these themed random tables of value? Any table or generator requests?
  • iPad RPG reviews – You requested more, and I will keep writing about the apps I find useful on the iPad for RPG.

New series

  • City building – How to design certain background elements of cities you can use to ramp up the adventure. For example, in the first series you will learn about government – a necessary function but too often not tied into fantastic gaming.
  • Stat blocks – The Plot Stat Block seemed to be popular. I will reveal more – and get your design help with them – so we can all have better organized games plus some cool design tools.

Goal #3 Books

I am working on one right now with Mike and Michael Tumey. The project got beaten up a bit in 2010, but first draft is nearly complete!

Other books are in the works, but I will keep those top secret until more details can be announced.

Goal #4 More contests and giveaways

Between Campaign Mastery and Roleplaying Tips, I aim to run one contest or giveaway per month. If you are a publisher or product seller, drop me a note if you would like to promote your products through our contests by supplying prizes. http://www.campaignmastery.com/contact/

Goal #5 DM 12 times this year, play 12 times

Riddleport has switched to a monthly game, and a player is stepping up to start a 4E campaign so I can play more. Our group still games every two weeks, but in 2011 I now have a change to play 12 times this year, and GM 12 times this year. Awesome!

Goal #6 Roleplaying Tips Newsletter

Continue to publish this every other week and pack every issue full of GM tips and ideas. I will be revising the content a bit as I am wont to do to try to maintain the sweet spot of good GM advice plus immediately usable tips.

I would love to see an HTML, PDF and mobile-friendly edition this year, but I have not solved those problems yet. Each version would take extra time to generate an publish. I need to figure out a workflow so that all my time is not spent publishing various versions. There must be a solution, and I will keep thinking about it.

Goal #7 Gamer Lifestyle

The RPG publishing and writing membership site continues to thrive. New members joined us in 2010 and we look forward to working with all the gamers who want to start earning an income from RPG in 2011.

This year we have our new Relationist on board to provide support and help for members. Plus we have a lot of new content planned to help those who have worked through the 5 month course take their business to the next exciting stage.

CM reader goals

Last post I ran a short contest. To enter you had to comment on what your 2011 gaming goals were. If you are still laying out your plans for this year, check out these entries pulled from the contest to give you some ideas:

  • Continue my weekly DM session with positive feedback from my group for the entire year.
  • Improve the integrated world aspect of my campaign. Ensure there are references before they become a relevant to the PCs, including NPCs, legends, sayings etc.
  • Include more fantastical events and encounters in the campaign.
  • Improve my campaign with a lot of stuff, legends, NPC, sites, etc.
  • Keep my blog running, at least with sessions post and campaign information.
  • Complete my Doctor Who Campaign by June and have the players say it was the best game I’ve ran.
  • Successfully complete a Broomstix campaign for daughters and friends to get them vested into tabletop RPGs.
  • Master the sandbox style of game.
  • Decrease game prep time by 20%.
  • Go to 2 gaming cons.
  • Paint at least 12 miniatures this year.
  • Take a 3-month break from GMing and be a player.
  • Use what I learn as a Player to improve my own games.
  • Learn to not rely so heavily on miniatures when I GM.

I hope 2011 is your best year yet. Mike and I thank you very much for reading this blog. We value your time and attention and comments. You inspire us to write every week and your feedback is always highly regarded.

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