Treasure Detail Generator & Dice Giveaway

Win these dice!
You can win a set of the dice that appear in this blog post. Details at the end. Thanks for Q-Workshop for supplying dice to give away!
A gamer recently mentioned a disappointing lack of detail when his GM handed out a “pouch of gems.” The player wanted more flavour. It is difficult detailing every little thing found in a campaign, so I thought a small generator would help flesh out looting and shopping a bit.
You can use a single table below to make a bit of treasure more interesting, or use a combination of tables to make an item especially notable.
* Here are 40 great name generators you can tap.
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Value Added |
1 | Bejeweled |
2 | Filigreed |
3 | Enameled |
4 | Plated |
5 | Inlaid |
6 | Gilded |
7 | Decorated |
8 | Carved/Special Shape |
9 | Exotic material (mithril, adamantium, residuum, meteorite, obsidian) |
10 | Engraved |
11 | Precision crafting, a master work |
12 | Special container |
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Special container |
1 | Velvet pouch with gold drawstrings |
2 | Small hollow statue |
3 | Metal case |
4 | Hollow book |
5 | Inside a bottle |
6 | Encased in resin |
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Rough Condition |
1 | Dirty |
2 | Stained (e.g. blood, salt water, ink) |
3 | Charred |
4 | Acid burns |
5 | Bite marks |
6 | Magical markings |
7 | Cracked or bent |
8 | Scratched |
Win a set of Green Dragon Dice
Comment below with d6 more Item Quirks or d6 more Item History ideas. Feel free to enter multiple times – each helps fellow GMs detail their loot better.
I’ll draw a random entry December 5. Enter now:
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November 29th, 2010 at 9:25 pm
1. From a land over the sea.
2. From a lost city.
3. From the workshop of a famous craftsman.
4. Bearing the mark of a banned guild.
5. Made by non-human hands.
6. Marked by fire or acid damage.
Sean Holland recently posted..Blast from the Past – Original Description of the Sea of Stars setting
November 29th, 2010 at 9:40 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by JohnnFour and RPG Bloggers Network, theeo123. theeo123 said: Treasure Detail Generator & Dice Giveaway: Win these dice! You can win a set of the dice that appear in this blo… […]
November 29th, 2010 at 10:21 pm
1. Carved with small runic writing that reveals a clue to its origins
2. From an extinct species
3. Dredged from watery depths
4. Disguises wielder as the opposite sex
5. Glows in the presence of virgins
6. Emits a high-pitched squeal when someone lies
November 29th, 2010 at 10:29 pm
Horror Quirks
1. Always feels wet and cold to the touch
2. Turns up never quite where you left it (wrong pocket, other side of the dresser, etc)
3. Absorbs blood leaving no mark or trace
4. Unevenly shaped so it always seems to rock or twist when put down
5. Touching it brings flashbacks to horrid (and fake) childhood memories
6. Touching it always feels like you have cut or stabbed yourself on it or on a part of it. An appropriate save must be made to hang on to it in these situations.
Dyson Logos recently posted..Fuck the Kool-Aid
November 29th, 2010 at 11:00 pm
1. Changes the color of light that passes through it.
2. Spins in one spot indefinitely when purposefully spun.
3. Vibrates when shaken.
4. Barely hovers over the ground.
5. Melts on touch, but is solid otherwise.
6. Is hot to the touch.
zero_armada recently posted..Video of the Week- Fortress Bebop
November 30th, 2010 at 1:27 am
Side Effects
Using it causes
1 – Bad taste in your mouth
2 – Feeling tingling sensations in your hands and feet
3 – Hearing ringing in your ears
4 – Seeing a glazed aura around everything
5 – Smelling a noxious odor
6 – Re-Roll twice ignoring any other 6’s or repeated number
November 30th, 2010 at 6:50 am
1d6 more History/Quirk ideas:
1. Is an item the PCs recognise/previously owned.
2. Came from another world/time/reality.
3. Did not exist before the PCs found it.
4. Has an impossible/paradoxical history.
5. Has an undivinable history.
6. Has the imaginary history of it’s current possessor.
These are a mixture of quirks and history ideas, relating to the items’ history, which can result in some fun subplots.
November 30th, 2010 at 9:36 am
1- Always warm
2- Always cold
3- Uncleanable; always dirty no matter how much it is cleaned
4- Unnaturally light
5- Unnaturally heavy
6- Weeps blood
November 30th, 2010 at 10:30 am
1. Spawns nightmares
2. Shows vague memories of the previous bearer
3. Throbs gently, like a beating heart.
4. Reflects light without a mirroring effect
5. Slices stone but cannot cut organic material
6. Weighs much more than it looks like it should.
November 30th, 2010 at 10:53 am
1. makes an extra sound effect when used
2. amplifies voice when held
3. diminishes voice when held
4. changes language spoken when held (doesn’t mean you understand it)
5. sounds like the ocean when put to your ear
6. warms when someone says the name of the bearer
digitaljoel recently posted..Spring MVC binding to Strings and Dates
December 1st, 2010 at 12:26 pm
History Options
1. Belonged to someone from the PCs Childhood
2. Pried from the pommel of the great General MacGuffin’s saber.
3. Shattered remains of ancient hero/saint/etc. turned to gemstone.
4. Etched with ancient alphabet on facets, different gems have different alphabets on corresponding facets (a Rosetta Pouch)
5. Actually the fossilized/crystallized blood/bile/spittle from an extinct race of MacGuffins.
6. Set into the tip of a broken crossbow bolt, the bolt is etched with the name of a prominent ruler.
Ronin_Randy recently posted..RAVE- The Pitch Meeting
December 3rd, 2010 at 9:55 am
History Ideas:
1. Was given as payment for a betrayal (The silver paid to Judas.)
2. Rumored to contain the soul of the creator (or last owner).
3. Belonged to the mentor of one of the PC’s.
4. Was used to kill the person who created it. (Inigo Montoya’s sword.)
5. Was stolen from a dragon’s hoard – and the dragon wants it back!
6. Was summoned from another plane of existence (and is trying to get back?).
December 6th, 2010 at 6:58 am
Great stuff, guys. Thanks for entering the contest.
Using a green dragon die, I rolled for the winner and got a 1!
Congrats to Sean on his win.
January 15th, 2015 at 11:33 am
[…] Gerador de Tesouros Aleatórios: Um gerador que usa rolagens de dados para definir propriedades, nomes e características de tesouros pra qualquer sistema! […]