Win a set of these
Who says undead can’t have personality? While rank and file skeletons and zombies will get mowed down faster than you can roleplay, you can turn any single undead into a remarkable NPC. To do that, you just need to add a few details beyond the stat block. Today’s generator will help you do this.
Skull dice giveaway
I also have the last pack of Q-Workshop dice on my desk to give away: red and black skull dice. Details are at the end of this post.
Undead generator
Start with d10 Motives. It is good to know what your special foe wants to accomplish in the campaign.
Next, d20 Mannerisms gives you some fun roleplaying details. Build out your rumours and news with this information too.
d12 Backstories works in combination with your motive. Use the pair to create unique personalities.
d8 Interesting Lairs offers ideas on interesting places your creature might make his home base. Cemetery is not on the list. I figured that was a gimme.
2d6 Undead Themes. How is the campaign affected by your antagonist? Give it a theme to guide your designs and encounters.
2d4 Unexpected Defenses. Surprise your players!
Undead generator tables
d10 Motives |
1 |
Revenge on a fallen paladin who forced his fiance to marry the diabolical knight. |
2 |
Gather 1000 powerful souls as part of a scheme to become immortal. |
3 |
Become the leader amongst a secret society of undead that aims to overthrow King or empire. |
4 |
Visit orphanages in the land, kill the masters, rescue the children, and start an orphanage “farm” of his own. |
5 |
Thinks he is still alive but with special powers and is starting the let greed and lust control him impulses. |
6 |
Find his murderer and make him undead too so he can inflict eternal pain and torment on the killer. |
7 |
Cursed to free a kingdom under the withering rule of a lich by one who thinks you must fight fire with fire. |
8 |
Seeking immortality but discovering a tortured existence instead, this poor creature only finds misery company. He now targets anything with peace or beauty and destroys it. |
9 |
Turned into undead against her will, she now seeks a way to return to her former life. But growing more desperate and succumbing to her unnatural state, she has started turning to cruel methods to further her quest. |
10 |
The event that turned him into undead was so traumatic he has blocked it from his memory. Now he seeks out those afflicted by the curse of undeath and wishes to assemble a support group and network. However, he is unaware this is by design, and a greater power who planted this suggestion in him at the time of his conversion plans to seize control of this network when the time is right. |
d20 Undead Mannerisms |
1 |
Never stops his school-girl giggling, which gets higher pitched the more evil he performs. |
2 |
There is a poem people in the land learn to ward off evil spirits. He never stops repeating it in a hushed voice, and he seems to time his actions to key phrases in the poem that twists the meaning of the poet in the worst possible way. |
3 |
His hands are those of a random creature. When a hand gets severed, which he often does to himself, another random appendage appears. Yesterday, it was a giant lobster claw, which he cut off and sold to a nearby restaurant. A hoof appeared in its place, and now he’s getting a gold shoe fashioned for it. |
4 |
Takes every chance, even if it involves breaking in, to stand over a bed and watch someone sleep. |
5 |
Scratches hands, arms, and legs through skin to the bone unless someone makes him aware of what he is doing. |
6 |
Has scars that magically form into patterns that seem like important information or clues, but are usually meaningless. |
7 |
Enjoys eating people’s pets, even though he need consume no flesh to survive. |
8 |
His face grows black blood-filled zits and boils that ooze and pop, offering materials usable as deadly poison. |
9 |
He smells of fond memories, giving him a small bonus to any manipulative social situations. |
10 |
Espouses the tenets of a lawful god, trying to convert everyone he can, pleased with the taint he imbues in unwitting converts. |
11 |
Speaks in a selfless and compassionate way, making those unaware of his nature think he is a wonderful friend and loyal companion. |
12 |
His eyes give him such an uncomfortable gaze it becomes difficult for those he stares at to lie, maintain a poker face, or not fidget. |
13 |
Adorns himself in holy symbols, runes and icons. Tattoos, jewelry, clothes and possessions all tie to good deities. |
14 |
Is beautiful or handsome. Perfect skin, brilliant smile, and engaging eyes makes everything think the undead is some kind of higher creature. |
15 |
Still has masterful control of facial muscles and body functions, allowing him to continue with his hobby and craft of disguise. He enjoys impersonating others. |
16 |
A strange sound accompanies him wherever he goes. The sound does not seem to emanate from him, and it sometimes changes. Some report hearing crickets, others a low stringed instrument, and still others animals crying out in pain. |
17 |
Can take off his skin. He does so frequently, in front of others, either to clean it or put it on again so “it fits better.” |
18 |
Covered in a horrible creature of the GM’s choice: moving green slime, writhing maggots, birthing botflies, starving leeches. The undead likes to get close to people and reach out to touch them in friendly gestures. |
19 |
Cracks knuckles, which actually breaks them. The knuckles heal in a couple of minutes. Also enjoys breaking his fingers in interesting ways and watching them reknit. |
20 |
Becomes confused when viewing any reflective surface. After a few moments of disorientation, the undead descends into a blind, destructive fury that lasts for a minute. |
d12 Undead Backstories |
1 |
A jealous rival took him fishing and then drowned him in the shallow pond. |
2 |
Was forced to drink a glass of blood by a bully who confronted and beat him one day at random. |
3 |
Challenged a vampire who killed his family. He won, but not without being bitten first. |
4 |
Was on a date and wandering through the house of horrors when she was attacked. She never saw her attacker, and her transformation took just a few hours. She turned on her date, who failed to protector, and he became her first undead minion. |
5 |
Saw something shiny in a sewer opening. When reaching in to grab it, a hideous creature lunged out and clawed him. He lost his arm that day, but gained a new look on unlife. |
6 |
Step-father beat him to near death, took all his money, and dumped his bleeding body in the bad part of town. The open wounds attracted a certain creature who drank his fill, killing the boy but giving him a chance for revenge moments later…. |
7 |
Studied for years by an undead lord, protected and subtly groomed, the wizard always suspected he had a guardian angel. When the time was right, the lord sabotaged an experiment that grievously wounded the magic practitioner. |
8 |
They embalmed and entombed him, performing with perfection all the steps for venerating their beloved ruler…but one. A follower, wishing for longer rule, sabotaged one step, which resulted in the leader coming back as an undead. |
9 |
His lord sent him and several other soldiers on a suicide mission to save the land. Turns out the mission was a diversion so the lord could attack a foe by surprise and pillage. The soldier died, mere inches away from his goal, and in the afterlife upon learning of the ruse, he forced his way back to the land in the form of an undead. |
10 |
A mad priest dug his body up and imbued it with unlife. After years of service, the priest was finally slain by heroes. Freed, he managed to escape and journey to this part of the world. |
11 |
Little did he know the book he found captures the souls of readers. Imprisoned for centuries, he was disgorged by the book as the tome can hold only a certain number of souls and then it frees older ones in favour of new readers. Upon release, however, the book turned him into undead, having drank his life while trapped. |
12 |
A famous pit fight ironically died in his sleep. Unwilling to let his cash cow go so easily, the manager arranged for the fighter to be raised as undead (cheaper than full resurrection, plus other advantages). The fighter won many more matches until his nature was discovered. His manager was put to death but he escaped before clerics could perform their painful ceremonies on him. That was yesterday. |
d8 Interesting Lairs |
1 |
Defiled church. The locals are unaware of the taint and still come to worship. |
2 |
Black library. Profane, rebellious, and corrupting titles brush up against works of knowledge that enhance residents’ strategies and tactics. |
3 |
Local make-out place / lover’s lane. The raw emotions attract certain undead, who fight each other for control of this area. |
4 |
Crowded orphanage. The day to day activities mask the presence of an unspeakable evil. |
5 |
Popular bordello. The constant flow of strangers allow undead to anonymously pass…and feed. |
6 |
Busy hospital. Run by nuns who lock the doors of their rooms at night. |
7 |
Asylum. Formerly a place to protect the insane from the public and themselves, a new threat tears at their sanity. |
8 |
Travelling carnival. The strange and wondrous roll across the land and entertain crowds. |
2d6 Undead Themes |
2 |
Terror |
3 |
Dread |
4 |
Obsession |
5 |
Despair |
6 |
Shock |
7 |
Disease |
8 |
Poison |
9 |
Fear |
10 |
Phobia |
11 |
Insanity |
12 |
Depression |
2d4 Unexpected Defenses |
1 |
Immune to Good attacks |
2 |
Heals when physically struck |
3 |
Blinks as a move action |
4 |
Heals when Turned |
5 |
Turns to stone until danger passes |
6 |
Doppelganger (switches identities so foe looks like the undead) |
6 |
Living shield (grapples foes so foes take all damage) |
6 |
Magic rebounds off him |
Win a set of Skull Dice
Comment below with d4 more entries for any of the tables above: Motives, Mannerisms, Backstories, Interesting Lairs, Undead Themes, or Unexpected Defenses.
Enter multiple times – each helps fellow GMs roleplay their undead better.
I will mail the winner a set of cool Red & Black Skull dice from Q-Workshop.
I’ll draw a random entry Friday, just a few days away, so enter now:
March 21st, 2011 at 8:28 am
Interesting Lairs:
1 – Town Courtroom. Soul of a falsely accused innocent haunts the corrupt judge that sentenced him to death.
2 – Crossroads. Poltergeist changes the names on signpost to detour unsuspecting travelers into danger.
3 – Graveyard. All of the headstones have the same name, and possibly the same owner!
4 – Gladiatorial Arena. Every night, the crowd grows, all of which are former contestants, none of them survivors.
March 21st, 2011 at 9:38 am
1 – Collects one type of small animal (cats, dogs, etc). Literally has hundreds of them in lair.
2 – Hoarder. Colects things. Everything. Including people and magic items. Lair is a maze in a maze of items.
3 – Horror of dirt. Everything must be clean, life is dirty, so…
4 – Fancies himself a real Lethario. Takes member of opposite sex and attempts to seduce them back in lair. Depending on the type of undead, this can get seriously ceepy.
March 21st, 2011 at 10:09 am
Undead Backstory-
1. A defrocked priest hunted down and killed by his parishioners. Now hates all priests and faithful persons.
2. Alchemist killed and reanimated by his experiment gone wrong, drips strange alchemical ooze.
3. Died of starvation and now cannot stop eating . . . the flesh of the living.
4. Executed as a criminal and buried as unhallowed ground. May be seeking justice or vengeance.
Sean Holland recently posted..New Feats – Simple Yet Deadly and Simple Killing
March 21st, 2011 at 1:38 pm
Unexpected Defenses:
1. Magic is absorbed and can be used to raise more undead to fight at its side.
2. When a large enough portion of it is severed both pieces regenerate into an undead creature making for double the fun.
3. Magic causes the creature to grow a considerable amount with each attack.
4. The ability to burrow through the ground to either get away or get a better position for attack.
March 21st, 2011 at 2:51 pm
1) insists on cleanliness; orders minions to sweep and mop area, scrub surfaces and to wash themselves frequently
2) Collects dead animals and animates them for his own private zoo
3) is frightened of bells and will immediately flee the area if any are heard
4) Will be convinced that one random individual, per week, is the reincarnation of lost beloved. Will kidnap or hound that individual and then kill in an enraged fury at being deceived.
March 21st, 2011 at 3:03 pm
1) When country overrun by barbarians, went into seclusion to learn magic to overcome them and take back country. Study of magic went far longer than realized and wizard became undead. Has emerged from hiding to attack (long gone) barbarian horde
2) Royal heir died in sleep and body was preserved by grieving parents, a hundred years ago. Recently, evil cleric has raised the body (with unmistakable royal features) to usurp the throne. Heir thinks still alive and usurper is on throne, after killing heir’s parents.
3) Neutral cleric found dying constable and raised to undeath, to hound killers and other evil-doers
4) Entire family killed by fear-maddened mob and urge for revenge has brought this revenant back. She seeks to torment and kill descendants of mob, one for every one of her dead family.
March 21st, 2011 at 3:34 pm
3 Kept alive by a profound connection with her lover and a need to protect him yet she knows he will not recognize her and may even spurn her new undead existence.
6 Seeks to find the canopic jars scattered amongst a group of zealots so that they may rest. What will the those holding the jars ask him to do for their return.
9 Here to deliver the wrath of a curse on the crew that pillaged his tomb. Once they have been tortured then he may join his love in the afterlife.
10 After she was slain by some stalwart adventurers she was denied passage into the underworld. Now life is constant pain, satiated only by feeding off the magic of powerful mages.
March 21st, 2011 at 3:35 pm
3 Echoes of his victims are displayed as feint whispers surrounding him, and faces that stretch across the surface of his grey sinewy flesh.
6 Her touch is black and greasy leaving behind a film difficult to get off completely.
9 Plants and small animals grow old quickly in his presence. This process causes him to leave a trail of dead insects that spawn, grow old and die continuously in his corpse-like body.
10 No sense of personal space. She speaks to everyone inches from their faces and running a finger seductively across cheeks and chests as she did in life.
Don Corcoran recently posted..Apocalypse World Session One Part Two – still needs a campaign name
March 21st, 2011 at 3:36 pm
2 Siblings made a blood oath under a sanguine moon in the name of a jealous deity that they would be forever there for one another. When one dies before the other he will continue to rise again until his sibling is slain.
4 An undead assassin watched her from the shadows. Upon her untimely death at the hands of the assassin’s mark he turned her into a creature of the night to carry out his contract.
6 He was forced to choose between himself and the life of his lover. He sacrificed himself to the villain by quaffing some strange concoction.
8 She made a deal with a shadowy stranger and sacrificed her daughter upon a altar. As she rose again she immediately regretted it.
March 21st, 2011 at 3:37 pm
Interesting Lairs
1 The abandoned Throne Room of an exiled king. Something wanders restless within but no one has had the courage to enter it in years.
3 An ancient bloodied battlefield. Poor scavengers have seen a form move about the blood stained plain on cold, foggy nights.
5 The ruins of a fallen hero atop a sacred mountain. Pilgrimages to the mountaintop happen annually filling the ranks of undead monks.
7 Deep in the jungle, past skulls strung together as a warning lies a dark, open maw in the earth promising fortune and certain doom.
Don Corcoran recently posted..Apocalypse World Session One Part Two – still needs a campaign name
March 21st, 2011 at 3:38 pm
Unexpected Defenses
3 Steel and wood pass through
5 Fear and awe prevents foes from attacking directly
7 Surrounded by innocents making attacks impossible without striking down his living victims down as well
8 The field surrounding her grave erupts with undead hands that claw and slow her enemies
Don Corcoran recently posted..Apocalypse World Session One Part Two – still needs a campaign name
March 21st, 2011 at 6:06 pm
I love me some dice! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
1d4 Interesting Lairs coming right up…
1 – Boneyard: Not just your standard graveyard, but the last resting place for alls sorts of interesting creatures. Anything from whales, mammoths, giants, and dragons come here to die. This gives the Undead Master ample raw material to build their lair, and to build many fantastic creatures to raise with their necromantic powers. And even if they are too far gone to be able to come back, there’s always magical experimentation to bring a range of twisted bone golems in various forms back to ‘life’…
2 – Shipwreck: Undead don’t have to breath, but their normally living opponents do, so what better place for a lair than within the rotting hulk of a sunken galleon deep beneath the ocean waves. Skeletons and zombies can just walk out from the sea bed to achieve their masters aims, and when they are done, they just need to sink beneath the waves once more – will the heroes follow them quite as easily?
3 – Playboy Mansion: Just because you are undead, doesn’t mean you have to live like one. It’s not all dusty tombs, forsaken hellholes, and gothic architecture. You can be the ‘life’ of the party and hide in plain site, hosting charity balls, lavish galas, and riotious festivals that will make the populace love you. Who’s going to care when a few people go missing – people go missing all the time – as long as everyone is enjoying themselves. Plus, when some armour-clad ruffians arrive to crash the party you are giving in the name of the local orphanage, built in your name, boy will they look stupid…
4 – Through the Looking Glass: Why have a lair on this world? Why not have a lair on another world, where nobody expects it? After all, you are dead, but still kicking around, and that requires a certain amount of magical prowess – if not, well, there’s always time to learn. Your own demiplane of existance, hidden somewhere only you’d think to look certainly has it’s charm. Where better to keep your phylactery, your coffin, or that other critical vulnerability you might just have to put up with in exchange for immortality. There’s a myth about vampires and mirrors – maybe this is because it’s actually a door, leading to a world where the Master is in control…
Da’ Vane recently posted..The Great Plan
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:05 am
Additional Unexpected Defenses
1. Physical hits cause noxious poison gas aura to expand in size
2. Thick and gooey skin captures weapons
3. So disgusting to look at that focusing effort (second attack, third attack, etc) suffers increasing negative modifiers.
4. Hit turns solid creature into swarm creature that reforms as a minor action
March 22nd, 2011 at 1:38 am
Here my d4 Lairs:
Isle in a lake – Maybe with some rotten constructions on it. The nearby commoners saying the Isle and the lake are cursed. Fisherman disappear or report of strange happenings on the isle. Once you go there it will take a rather long time to leave the place, better be prepared!
For more modern campaigns: A train or a zeppelin – The undead is able to leave the vehicle and haunt the nearby areas. The final confrontation may take place in the moving vehicle.
Theater/Opera – Occasionally life threatening “accidents” are happening during the performances/rehearsals. Catch the ghost, but don’t disturb the premiere!
Prison – A dangerous place to do some research, also the PC might encounter some old foes and may even be forced to work together with them!
Michael Beck recently posted..Dramatische Struktur einer Kampagne
March 22nd, 2011 at 8:31 am
1d4 Undead Themes:
1 – Lust
2 – Protective
3 – Apocalyptic
4 – Caring
Johnn, why are yours all so negative? Can’t undead have positive themes?
Ashon recently posted..Burial Customs of the RandomDM
March 22nd, 2011 at 8:42 am
d4 Motives
1 – When alive swore too quest for an object or place, and failed. But rose in undeath to continue the quest.
2 – A secret sect of priests who rule the church from beyond death to continue the proper rituals and prayers that can only be maintained by constant oversight and leadership.
3 – King’s Minister, devoted in life to guide and advise the king, when this minister passed, his soul stayed behind to help his king till his own death. He listens to the plots against the king and whispers in the kings own ear. Until he finds out he was murdered by order of the king.
4 – Ghostly Chorus. Bard’s who fall during a high performance often stay behind in a ghostly form to try and find the fabled Ghostly Chorus; a whispy chorus that travels the world haunting with their songs and chants.
Ashon recently posted..Burial Customs of the RandomDM
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:02 pm
1d4 backstories:
1 – A Paladin who went up against the Necromancer was slain by him, and raised from the dead as his intelligent undead slave. He serves him, but now wants to overthrow him and take his place. (I’m using this one in my current game.)
2 – A long-lost relative of one of the PC’s, presumed dead, is found to be undead serving an evil master. Do the PC’s kill the relative, or set them free from the evil master’s clutches, hoping the relative can be raised/turned back to good?
3 – Died years ago in childhood, but re-animated by grieving parents. They keep him/her secluded from outsiders using various excuses. At night, however, the now-adult undead wanders the village/wilderness looking for prey.
4 – A suitor of the most beautiful girl in the village killed himself after she rejected his advances. As undead, he kills off any other suitors out of jealousy.
March 22nd, 2011 at 7:05 pm
d4 Interesting Locations
1 – School. A few students disappear from time to time and only the Headmaster knows what is really happening. Until their spirits begin to rise up and seek vengeance upon the entire staff.
2 – Quarry. Decades of harsh taskmasters and dangerous working conditions lead to the death of countless workers; perhaps simply tossing their remains into the slag heap wasn’t such a good idea after all…
3 – Cloud. The black cloud moves across the land and where it passes, death follows on bony wings.
4 – Stockyard. For years the butcher had been dumping the bones in a pit behind the barns, hardly giving them a second thought. After all, they were only cows. But evil has taken root in the boneyard and now those bones are stirring.
March 23rd, 2011 at 12:15 pm
1d4 mannerisms:
1 – Jealous of youthful beauty, and will always focus attacks on the youngest or most beautiful opponent.
2 – Constantly tapping out a “heartbeat” rhythm on every available surface to compensate for no longer having a heartbeat themselves.
3 – Terrified of doors…was originally killed after accidentally stepping through a portal disguised as a simple door…now stays well away from any door she encounters.
4 – Constantly speaks in double negatives and distracting statements to confuse opponents.
March 24th, 2011 at 6:57 am
1d4 Backstories
1. A devoted spouse’s grief literally prevents them from going into death. The spouse is an undiscovered magical talent.
2. A tomb robber sealed inside and bound to forever serve as a guardian, would love to break that binding and go back to a life of crime.
3. A samurai who committed seppuku without his lord’s permission, reanimated to serve another 100 years as punishment.
4. Abomination created from the bones of an entire village that was massacred, but called out to their god to avenge their deaths.
March 25th, 2011 at 2:40 am
1d4 Interesting Locations
1. A carnival. Everyone marvels at the tricks and stunts performed by the various wild animals. Turns out training is easy when the animals are dead and held in sway beneath an undead ringmaster.
2. The miles and miles of a massive wall along the borders of the kingdom, filled with the bones of slaves who died building it. The trick is figuring out which body holds the item anchoring her to this world.
3. Apothacary. He sits watching and learning from the corner, where he is on display as a simple example of the human(?) skeleton, only unhooking himself after dark to perform his own questionable experiments.
4. The hero’s old home growing up. Something needed to fill the space while he was away. And just wait until he hears about good ol’ mom and dad…
March 25th, 2011 at 2:53 am
1d4 Backstories
1. Traversing a treacherous mountain range to bring home desperately needed medicine, this would-be hero fell victim to a magical storm and was buried beneath a landslide. The magic of the life-giving medicine, twisted by the uncontrolled energies of the storm, kept him alive and conscious beneath the muddy earth. Whether or not it kept him sane is another matter.
2. She was a faceless victim in a city destroyed by untested spells of mass destruction. She was closest to ground zero, and so she was the first to rise, and thus the first to rule those who rose from the smoking city ruins after her.
3. An ambitious student who felt undeath was simply a misunderstood opportunity, and argued with his professors against the idea that undead had to be mindlessly evil. He eventually came up with a theory for overcoming the mind twisting nature of undeath. Lacking volunteers and too moral to use other methods for testing, he tested it on himself. How successful he was depends on the needs of the DM, but he thinks he did pretty well and can’t understand why people won’t give him a chance to explain his success.
4. A sorcerer’s serious mental disorder eventually developed into a paralyzing fear of sleep, as he was convinced he would never wake up. It didn’t take long for his body to die after he refused to rest, but his fear of oblivion could not be so easily overcome by such a mere triviality.
March 25th, 2011 at 2:54 am
1d4 Themes
1. Sleep
2. Distrust
3. Regret
4. Loneliness
March 25th, 2011 at 3:06 am
1d4 Unexpected Defenses
1. Only damaged by things that have died themselves. This could be the party members that have fallen to his invulnerability, or even magical or sentient weapons that have been purposefully destroyed.
2. She made an entire building her phylactery. Heroes wonder why she only seems bothered when they miss her and hit the walls.
3. Has a spell that seems to kill and raise your allies as his slaves. A good will save will see through the illusion, but what if sometimes it actually works?
4. His will is holding an undisclosed number of the nearby city’s citizens in check. These people also happen to be undead masquerading as the living. If he dies, these hidden undead will fall victim to their baser impulses, causing death and fear as they run wild through the city.
March 25th, 2011 at 3:15 am
1d4 Motives
1. Convinced that an army of the undead is the only defense against an imminent invasion by a greater power.
2. The god of death took her sister. Now she seeks to deny him further subjects by claiming them first herself. And since every living thing will one day die and join his ranks, it’s better if they die now where she can get to them first. One day she believes she will be ready to overthrow the god himself.
3. Died in the crossfire between the heroes and a previous enemy. Feels that all parties need to pay for what they’ve done. In his muddled state, he has trouble telling the difference between one adventuring party and another, but in his eyes they are all the same one he met so long ago.
4. Was left for dead on the battlefield. He is now intent on bringing the battlefield and its fallen to those who left it in such a cowardly fashion.
March 25th, 2011 at 3:26 am
1d4 Mannerisms
1. The undead has lost all hearing, and likes to invent his own conversations when he sees people are talking.
2. Has the unnerving tendency to make offhand comments of the history of our heroes in a way that suggests they should know who he is. Turns out he’s just very well informed or perhaps even a little psychic.
3. Once heard a story about a villain or other being that spoke only in rhyme. Tries to emulate this for dramatic effect, but stumbles and makes up words like any normal person trying to improvise a rhyme on the spot. Never seems to realize how badly it breaks his otherwise terrifying image.
4. Limbs are constantly giving out under wear and tear. He is forced to replace them with whatever is handy, including inanimate objects or the limb of some unfortunate who happens to be nearby.
March 27th, 2011 at 3:02 pm
Contrats to David, who I rolled as the random winner. Looks like all those entries paid off, David.
Please use the Contact button at the top to send me your mailing address.
Thanks to everyone who entered!
March 27th, 2011 at 5:09 pm
Wow, I think this is the first time I ever won something. Sweet, and thanks.
And thanks for all the other entries, I was trying to come up with the big bad behind the big bad and wanted to do under, and was pondering the very question this article addresses.
March 29th, 2011 at 8:04 am
[…] by the ‘Undead For Generator’ over at Campaign Mastery. Whereas Johnn was building a table that gave you motivations, lairs, motivations and other […]
November 13th, 2013 at 11:03 am
[…] Undead Foe Generator – The last of Johnn’s Q-workshop dice articles is all about giving personality to the undead. The contest was over long ago, but the tables are still just as functional. This article was inspired by the Red and black Skull Dice set which appears to be no longer available (the link is to Q-Workshop’s home page). […]