Posts Tagged ‘Original-Game-Systems’

Expectations and the Theater of the Mind

I’ve decided to wait another week before posting the final part of the Economics in RPGs series, because yesterday, I thought up a new article. I immediately set about outlining the article. I know from past experience that if the outline is not substantial enough, by the time I get to actually writing it, I […]

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The Sixes System Pt 7: Characters

This entry is part 8 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System is a minimalist game system suitable for any and all genres. — It has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, which has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls […]

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The Sixes System Pt 6: Doing More Things

This entry is part 7 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System is a minimalist game system suitable for any and all genres. — It has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, which has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls […]

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The Sixes System Pt 5: Campaign Infrastructure

This entry is part 6 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System is a minimalist game system suitable for any and all genres. — It has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, which has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls […]

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The Sixes System Pt 4: Doing Things 2

This entry is part 5 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, and has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls for speed. — Success or Failure on tasks is determined by adding dice […]

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The Sixes System Pt 3: Doing Things 1

This entry is part 4 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, and has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls for speed. — Success or Failure on tasks is determined by adding dice […]

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The Sixes System Pt 2: Education, Abilities, and Tools

This entry is part 3 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, and has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls for speed. — Success or Failure on tasks is determined by adding dice […]

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The Sixes System Pt 1: Fundamentals

This entry is part 2 in the series The Sixes System

0. Fundamentals (repeated for all posts:) — The Sixes System has been used in my Dr Who campaign since September 2014, and has just come to a successful conclusion. — Characters are constructed using a point-buy methodology with NPCs generatable using die rolls for speed. — Success or Failure on tasks is determined by adding […]

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Introducing The Sixes System: A Minimalist Universal RPG

This entry is part 1 in the series The Sixes System

0. Preface I’ve been thinking about writing this article – and the rest of this series – for a while now. You may be wondering, what is The Sixes System? It’s a slight refinement of the sophisticated but minimalist game system that I’ve been using for my Dr Who: Lovecraft’s Legacies campaign for about 3 […]

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By The Seat Of Your Pants: Using Ad-hoc statistics

GMs are called apon to make decisions all the time. Sometimes we can make our choices off the top of our heads using common sense and our knowledge of the in-game environment/circumstances, sometimes we can be guided by the rules after identifying an analogous situation, and sometimes when both of these fail us, we can […]

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The Dark Side Of The Mind: Examining Psionics, Part 5

This entry is part 5 in the series Examining Psionics

Last time, I continued examining the concept of The Internet as an analogy or metaphor for Psionics, especially telepathy. The examination of web phenomena is now in the home stretch – here are the final seven, and a few closing thoughts. 15. Cookies A cookie is a small file placed on a computer by a […]

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All This And Psionic Spam: Examining Psionics, Part 4 of 5

This entry is part 4 in the series Examining Psionics

Last time out, I started examining the concept of The Internet as an analogy or metaphor for Psionics, especially telepathy – but ran out of time after looking at only 7 web phenomena of a planned 21. So here we go, with the next seven: 8. The World Wide Web Everyone knows someone else who […]

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