The Ubiquity of Dystopia
Filed in Fumanor/One Faith (D&D 3.5), Fumanor/Seeds Of Empire (D&D 3.5), Cyberpunk, Mystery & Detective Games, Opinion, Metagaming & Metagame Theory, Spy & Secret Agent Games, Zener Gate, Pulp Games, D&D / Pathfinder, Game Mastering, Game Philosophy, Mike, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), The Adventurer's Club (Hero System 5th Ed), Zenith-3 (Original system based on Hero System 4th Ed), Fantasy Games, Campaign Creation, Superhero Games, SciFi & Space Opera Games, PCs, The End Of The Rainbow, Writing & Authoring & The Games Industry, World Design on Nov.23, 2021
Why are dystopian settings so popular? Is that a good thing? What are the consequences and what are the alternatives? Another relatively short post this week (in theory, if all goes according to plan), because this approach worked so well for me last week – I had time to get more than 16000 words of […]
Tags: Pathfinder, PCs, Philosophy, Player-Goals, D&D, Cultures-&-Societies, Inspiration, Opinion, Sci-Fi, Writing, Dystopias, Campaign-Setting, Campaigns
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