The Mind’s Eye: Examining Psionics, Part 1 of 5

This entry is part 1 in the series Examining Psionics

Lately I’ve been thinking about Telepathy quite a lot. I know that a psionic character will be joining the team in the next phase of my Zenith-3 superhero campaign, and I want to have the a solid handle on all the wrinkles that come with it. I want some simple analogy that I am instantly […]

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Neurons & Lobes: Examining Psionics, Part 2 of 5

This entry is part 2 in the series Examining Psionics

In part 1, I explained that the imminant advent in my supers campaign of a character who is a powerful psionic has had me thinking about Telepathy quite a bit recently. I then began to excerpt selected rules and background material from the campaign rules relating to the subject. The first part focussed on the […]

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The Value Of Information: Examining Psionics, Part 3 of 5

This entry is part 3 in the series Examining Psionics

This, and the two parts that preceded it, were all originally intended to be one post, and a relatively smallish article at that. The decision to incorporate material from the game rules that I had written relating to the subject put paid to that concept, but I felt it was a necessary preamble. Finally, though, […]

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All This And Psionic Spam: Examining Psionics, Part 4 of 5

This entry is part 4 in the series Examining Psionics

Last time out, I started examining the concept of The Internet as an analogy or metaphor for Psionics, especially telepathy – but ran out of time after looking at only 7 web phenomena of a planned 21. So here we go, with the next seven: 8. The World Wide Web Everyone knows someone else who […]

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The Dark Side Of The Mind: Examining Psionics, Part 5

This entry is part 5 in the series Examining Psionics

Last time, I continued examining the concept of The Internet as an analogy or metaphor for Psionics, especially telepathy. The examination of web phenomena is now in the home stretch – here are the final seven, and a few closing thoughts. 15. Cookies A cookie is a small file placed on a computer by a […]

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